Thursday, May 28, 2009

The fear of bugs...

From Meelynn

"The bugs are truly horrific but maybe Singapore, being more tropical, has comparable ones...keep in mind I come from upstate New York, where our worst bugs are mosquitoes and the OCCASIONAL cockroach in a dirty restaurant.

Common Fukuoka bugs are cockroaches, mosquitoes, cicadas in summer (my least favorite, ughhhh), huntsman spiders, and big wasps called suzumebachi. The only ones that will probably invade your house are cockroaches and mosquitoes.

For cockroach prevention you can set boric acid traps in your house. They look like little cookies in plastic squares, put them in corners and your roach problems should be near none. Roaches happen in the cleanest of homes unfortunately and they are gross but easyish to control.

Mosquito-wise, you can buy little electric domes that you will with some magic liquid that keeps them at bay. These work very very well somehow and are cheap and easy to find.

Don't worry too much about the bugs, you can also buy bugspray to kill all sorts of breeds of bug at drugstores, discount warehouse stores and convenience stores."

Can someone kill me now?